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Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters
Health Chatbox and Medical interpreters

It is a fact that interpreters are some of the first people called on to perform written translation and/or sight translation whether or not they have the skills to do this. Healthcare has seen smart algorithm-powered, text or voice-based interfaces multiply in the last years. That is why we can...

Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news
Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news

The quantity of information in this field is huge and opinions diverge. However, it is clear that while there is no cure for Alzheimer at this stage, medications can temporarily slow down the progression of symptoms such as, anxiety, sleep interference, depression, aggression and delusions...

Wellness a growing field for medicine translation
Wellness a growing field for medicine translation

Wellness is a field that connects with earliest pharmacies and apothecaries dedicated not only to enhance wellness but to provide local or cultural remedies to disease. Anti-stress and dietary cures are a growing specialized field linked to healthcare. Therefore, an area of expansion of globalized...

Medicine translation and chiropody facing feet pathologies and pains
Medicine translation and chiropody facing feet pathologies and pains

When patient and medical provider have a limited ability to interconnect in the same language, administering effective medical services can be very difficult.  This can happen when providing chiropodist healthcare services, as well as while dealing with patients in any other medical specialty.   [Sharer]   Chiropody treatments for...

Surviving a stroke, rehabilitation and medical translation
Surviving a stroke, rehabilitation and medical translation

The aim of medical translation is to make communication between people who speak different languages easier. This is applicable to healthcare organizations, doctors and medical stall or patients and their families. In this sense, healthcare translation has a crucial part in granting service and quality...

Medicine translation and cardiovascular diseases
Medicine translation and cardiovascular diseases

Cutting-edge medical technologies still generate profit for inventors and discoverers in different medical grounds, while really making a difference. Some of them are related  to cardiovascular diseases, like the CardioPad, which permits doctors to monitor patients from a distance. In the same sense, 10% of...

Plastic surgery, mastopexy and medical translation
Plastic surgery, mastopexy and medical translation

Plastic surgery is a field of healthcare that is not always included in the heathcare system, however people not only want to have better health, but also look better or look as they want to look. Therefore plastic surgery represents a huge market worldwide and...

Sport injuries and Medicine translation
Sport injuries and Medicine translation

Healthcare is incessantly been developed at high speed. Innovations are provided to the patients throughout the earth. Sport injuries do also benefit of these improvements and translation services, either online u offline, also expand and allow the patients to have a clear idea of medicines,...

Medical Translation Agencies and Servicies
Keys to success between CROs and Medical Translation Agencies

Clinical trials are more and more subject to outsource. In this sense, there has been an increase of 50% in the last decade and over 70% of the total number of clinical trials will be outsourced by 2020. This tendency is consolidating due to its advantages...






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