05 Aug Smile with your dental translation
Dental translation is a growing market in the specialized translation sector. It offers many different kind of services related to dental care and all of them require information to be translated from one language into other. Health is at stake, and the tooth sector is important too. It is an expanding market as many processes and treatments play an essential role. So, if you are a medical translator looking for new professional challenges in your career, you should read this article posted by Okomeds about dental translation.
Smile while looking for a dental translation job
Dental health
Patients require many different dental treatments, and specialized clinics can offer them. The followings are ones of the most important and common treatments – where a subsequent dental translation has been needed.
Patients require many different dental treatments, and specialized clinics can offer them. The followings are some of the most important and common treatments where a subsequent dental translation has been needed.
Dental braces
Dental braces are devices that straighten and align teeth in order to improve dental health. They are more common among kids and teenagers, but many adults use dental braces too. Their placement or indications required a detailed process that must be translated for making it accessible to any odontology and any user. So dental translation here plays an essential role.
Endodontic treatments
Endodontic treatments means the elimination of an teeth infection, its protection and decontamination for avoiding future microbial invasions. Many related processes must be carefully detailed.
Periodontic treatments
Periodontic treatments focus in the inflammatory disease that destroys the gums and other supporting structures around the teeth and in the placement of dental implants. From mild gingivitis to periodontitis, periodontic treatments include root planing, or cleaning infected root surfaces, regenerative procedures and root surface debridement or removal of damaged tissue
It is important to bear in mind that dental specialties of Endodontics and Periodontics are areas that have been identified as the ones with the most difficulty communicating with patients with limited national language skills.
Dental restoration
Dental restoration is a treatment aiming the refilling of the tooth structure, which has been lost due to caries or external trauma. The surgical material is quickly improving and, new materials imply a new linguistic communication for any user; so, dental translation becomes essential too.
The use of interpreters and dental translation alternatives
On the other hand, there is a growing body of research revealing that health care interpreters improve the quality of clinical care. They also reduce health care disparities associated with language barriers.
According to recent studies on dentist-patient communications and multilingualism, most dentists consider that the best method of communication with clients that are not fluent in the national official language was using an informal interpreter. The second best method appointed was using chair-side formal interpreters.
However, professional chair-side interpreters are rarely used. The two main reasons are that costs are a barrier or that the interpreter lacks knowledge of specific dental terminology. The good news is that there are alternatives, such as, providing patients with written material in their own language.
Cosmetics also play an important role in dental translation. Dental clinics provide treatments such as tooth whitening. This process offers clearer and whiter teeth, which can be translated into a nicer smile. But – as many products can take part in the tooth whitening – dental translation plays an important role for translating the leaflet of such products, the side effects, the contraindications, etc.
One of the main reasons a patient needs a tooth cleaning is excess tartar that is basically a calcification of the dental or bacterial plaque. The important of removing it regularly can however exceed aesthetic problems, as it can also contribute to the inflammation and irritation of the gums, gingivitis or periodontitis.
It can also be cause or concause of halitosis and decay, as the tooth enamel weakens with tartar. And it may even have some role in the development of cardiac or cardiovascular diseases or in digestive problems.
These only represent a small part of tooth treatments, but show that not only dental health is essential, but also that translation can be key for it and that provides a huge market. For example, medical tourism takes a big slice in this sector, being dental translation a must for many treatments all over the world. So, if you are looking for a new translation job, why do not give a chance to this specialization area?
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