Pharmaceutical translations


pharmaceutical industry
Translation in the German pharmaceutical industry

One of the most important areas in the field of medical translation is the pharmaceutical industry, which is very dynamic and constantly growing in Germany. This makes pharmaceutical translation from German into other languages crucial. Or to put it another way, the German pharmaceutical industry and translation belong together. Why is the...

translation of medicine labels
Why is the translation of medicine labels important?

The European Medicines Agency and its Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) are the bodies responsible for allowing medicine products to be marketed in Europe. They regulate, among other things, the information to be included in the labelling of medicinal products and require...

All the benefits of pharmaceutical translation
All the benefits of pharmaceutical translation

In the pharmaceutical industry, accurate communication is crucial for ensuring patient safety and successful medicine development. As such, the importance of translation in pharma cannot be overstated. In this article, we will explore the vital role that translation plays in pharmaceutical development and the many...

Pharmaceutical translation helps bring medicines to market

Advances in research have made it possible for the population to overcome diseases that 50 years ago would have killed people. Thanks to medicines and vaccines, diseases such as tetanus and chickenpox can be survived. Pharmaceutical translation has a lot to do with this. Without...

pharmaceutical translation
How can language affect the pharmaceutical business?
All businesses understand the importance of using precise language and accurate document translations. Nevertheless, in the pharmaceutical industry a translation error can not only delay and complicate research and production, it can actually prove harmful to patients or subjects.
pharma translations
Why do pharmaceutical companies need pharma translations?
International and local regulations in the pharmaceutical industry require a long list of multilingual documents that must be prepared quickly, accurately and with optimal quality. Pharma translation helps these companies to achieve global benefits in local markets. In this article, you can discover the main reasons why pharmaceutical companies need pharma translations. 
Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news
Medical translators keeping up with pharma and Alzheimer news

The quantity of information in this field is huge and opinions diverge. However, it is clear that while there is no cure for Alzheimer at this stage, medications can temporarily slow down the progression of symptoms such as, anxiety, sleep interference, depression, aggression and delusions...

Translation approach based on parallel texts. Birth control pills
Translation approach based on parallel texts. Birth control pills

Approaches to medical translation are not limited to the use of a bilingual dictionary. In this article we are going to explore parallel texts as an approach to query translation. On the other hand we will use a well-known medicament, the birth control pills to...

China, becoming a new power in pharmaceutical industry
China, becoming a new power in pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceuticals can be developed, used or manufactured in any part of the world. China, the world’s second largest pharmaceutical market has become a more mature industry, thanks to the structural adjustment promoted and led by the CFDA (The China Food and Drug Administration). The job...






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