18 Jan How to trust online resources in medical translation
Medical translation is an area of specialisation. Internet may be very useful for those medical translators absorbing information, but also a double-edge sword. Why? Basically because all information is not always true, so it can be subject to many dangers and risks.
With the present article, in Okomeds we are not banning from using online resources – precisely the opposite – but we are just aiming to be suspicious of some information before using it for your medical translation. A general tip could be check who is giving such information and contrast it. But, to be more precise, here are some advices for online resources in medical translation.
There are many medical blogs on the Internet, but are they really telling reliable data? Many bloggers are just aiming visitors to their page regardless the veracity of the contained information, or may have not contrasted all that is written. So the blog’s reputation is a very interesting factor.
Mailing lists
If someone brings up a doubt about medical translation in a mailing list, he/she will usually get a few answers in the following hours. Some includes translation options and possible alternatives, others will just agree or refute such solutions. But, which one is the most trustworthy? Firstly check who provided the answer – a deep background is positive – and then always contrast the information.
Dictionaries and glossaries
It all depends on the context. Any translator perfectly knows this essential, but specially those dedicating to medical translation. Dictionaries and glossaries may be very useful, but check that the solutions provided come from an specialised resource and – as mentioned above – do not miss the context.
Medical journals
Medical journals are focused on information about healthcare and medicine. It means that medical translation is not their field, but might provide useful data and the right terminology. If a medical translator uses and reuses such information, it could very practical as medical journals have a good reputation and are considered a trustworthy resource among healthcare experts.
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