26 Oct The importance of books in medical translation
Even in our highly digital world, books still have pride of place on our desks and bookshelves. We certainly wouldn’t be without them! Here’s a selection of our favourite dictionaries and books on medical translation and writing. Reading is such important for translators, so… take this recommendations into account!
There are so many excellent books on general medicine that it’s hard to select just a few to recommend. The following two are standard reference books and would be a good starting point:
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine by Dan Longo et al.
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
Books on medical English for non-native speakers:
These two books provide a useful introduction to medical English for non-native English speakers:
Good Practice Student’s Book: Communication Skills in English for the Medical Practitioner by Marie McCullagh and Rosalind Wright
Professional English in Use Medicine by Eric Glendinning and Ron Howard
This book aims to help German-speakers learn medical English:
KWiC-Web Fachwortschatz Medizin Englisch: Sprachtrainer & Fachwörterbuch in einem by Ingrid and Michael Friedbichler
Books on writing in English
These two books on writing in English are a worthwhile addition to your bookshelf. Some disagree with The Elements of Style, but it’s a good read nonetheless – at least you’ll know what the arguments are about!
On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White
Books on medical translation in English
This is the only English book on medical translation we know of. A rare find!
Medical Translation Step by Step. Learning by Drafting by Vicent Montalt Resurrecció and Maria González Davies.
We hope you find these books helpful references for your medical translation and writing. Let us know if there are any other good books on these topics that you would recommend.
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