25 Jul Medical transcriptionists researching about Fibromyalgia
No field has so much at stake or as many medical restrictions or medical regulations, as medical translation. That is why highest standard are needed. On the other hand, pharmaceutical and medical device production are ongoing. Medical guidelines and practices are continuously being adapted to follow the data generated every day…
What does a medical transcriptionist do?
Medical transcriptionists turn recordings dictated by doctors and other medical professionals into written reports, correspondence and documents.
The role of a transcriptionist is very important in the medical field. That is why many medical centres and hospitals require the services of a medical translation agency to carry out this work.
In addition, medical transcribers are also required for medical presentations, conferences and congresses. Many of these need to be transcribed by professionals who are dedicated to task and can ensure that quality standards are met.
Fibromyalgia clinical picture
Fibromyalgia is a disease with a very broad clinical picture, so symptoms are important to seek help in the early stages of the disease. Also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), it is a long-term condition with which pain is felt all over the body. An increased sensitivity to pain can be one of the symptoms, but there are others as, extreme tiredness, muscle stiffness, headaches, difficulty sleeping, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a digestive condition and problems with concentration and memory (fibro-fog). Difficult diseases like this require an in-depth knowledge of medicine. Many obstacles need to be surmounted to produce accurate medical translations.
As medical translators, we study the meaning of Fibromyalgia
It is a medical neologism derived from Latin and Greek. The word is composed by the Latin word fiber, or fibrous tissues and the Greek words mios, muscles, and algia, pain. Therefore, it literally means a condition that affects the soft tissues muscles pain. Although it also affects joints, ligaments and tendons. In the end, we are talking about pain. Pain that waxes and wanes from day after day, and cannot be eliminated by medical treatments.
It is quite recent, as it had not been considered a specific disease until 1992, when the World Health Organization recognized it as such. However, diagnosis is difficult, there are no specific tests, and the symptoms can found in different other illnesses. However, more than half of the patients are women. This disease limits a normal life.
First data come from Sir William Gowers in 1904. In the late 1990’s FMS transitioned into just fibromyalgia, because research began to uncover more evidence of a distinct entity. Many translators and medical transcriptionists endeavor to adhere to the ISO 17100 standards, incorporating steps in quality assurance and conducting checks to ensure excellence through control inspections, rigorous recruitment and job allocation.
Fibromyalgia, causes and treatment
The exact cause is unknown. However, abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain messages are two of the main areas of study. Although not proved, the genetic aspects are also relevant. Une curiosity is that the disease, in many cases, is triggered by an stressful event (giving birth, an operation, an infection, an injury) physical or (death of someone important or intimate, end of a relationship) emotional.
Many are considered rheumatic or arthritic before realizing that they are fibromyalgia patients. Quality control measures, including back translation may be employed to ensuring legal compliance, and patient safety in medical translation. Medicine and Medical translation are highly regulated fields. Medical knowledge and technical terminologies are two of the keys of a great medical transcriptionist and of a great medical translator.
Treatment nowadays is limited to relieve some of the symptoms and make the condition easier to live with. Usually combines antidepressants and painkillers, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling and lifestyle changes, mainly special exercises and relaxation techniques. Encompassing technology, biology, chemistry, many differing abbreviations and accuracy is a big task. Ensure consistency across translations requires specific regulations. Even in some cases a lot of regulations are applicable at the same time.
Other used treatments are, application of heat or cold, massages, acupuncture, visits to the chiropractor and treatment of muscular distension. Programs of light and progressive exercise, that reduce pain and numbness. Relaxation exercises, breathing techniques, to decrease pain and anxiety. counseling, support groups and cognitive therapy.
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